UPAYA PENGUATAN BAHASA INDONESIA SEBAGAI PEREKAT NEGARA KESATUAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA SECARA REGULASI: KASUS APLIKASI UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 12 TAHUN 2011 DALAM PENYUSUNAN PERATURAN DAERAH TENTANG RETRIBUSI DI INDONESIA (The Strengthening Effort of Indonesian Language as an Adhesive of The Republic of Indonesia in Regulation: Application Case of Law No. 12 Year 2011 in Formulating Local Regulation about Retribution in Indonesia)

Sriyanto Sriyanto


One of the efforts to strengthen Indonesian as an adhesive of the Republic of Indonesia is the regulatory efforts of language. In that case, the government with the House of Representatives has endorsed Law No. 12 Year 2011 on the Establishment of Legislation. This law is specifically addressed the use of Indonesian in formulating legislation. This study aims to find out the application of the law in drafting local regulations concerning levy in Indonesia, particularly about the use of language. The method in this research is descriptive method by archive data collection (archival) which becomes primary data. To facilitate the acquisition of archival data, the data was gathered in the form of soft copy through the web provided by each provincial government. From the analysis of the data, it was founded that the application of Law No. 12 of 2011 was still far from the expectations. Many errors are found in the local regulations of the levy in Indonesia including spelling, word choice, and sentences.


application of the law, local regulations, levy

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